Saturday, July 27, 2013

UTC Aerospace Systems Investasi US$ 40 Juta Di Indonesia

JAKARTA-(IDB) : Kementerian Perindustrian (Kemperin) mengapresiasi dan menghargai keinginan salah satu perusahaan manufaktur dirgantara asal Amerika Serikat, United Technologies Corp.’s (UTC) Aerospace Systems, yang berencana untuk kembali berinvestasi sebesar US$ 40 juta. 

Dengan investasi itu diharapkan akan meningkatkan kapasitas dan kapabilitas tenaga ahli pesawat terbang di Indonesia. “Peningkatan kapasitas dan kapabilitas dapat dengan cara menyediakan kesempatan on the job training di UTC Aerospace Systems bagi para ahli tenaga terbang,” kata Direktur Jenderal Kerjasama Industri Internasional, Agus Tjahajana Wirakusumah seusai mendampingi Wakil Menteri Perindustrian, Alex SW Retraubun yang menerima kunjungan Vice President Manufacturing UTC Aerospace Systems, Michael Heidorn di Ruang Nuri Kemenperin, Jakarta, Rabu (24/7).

Agus juga mengharapkan, UTC Aerospace Systems dapat mendorong tumbuhnya industri komponen pesawat terbang di Indonesia dengan cara menjalin kerja sama dengan industri komponen pesawat terbang. Saat penambahan investasi, Dirjen KII menyarankan agar UTC Aerospace Systems meningkatkan konten lokal dan berkolaborasi dengan partner dan suplier lokal yang ada di Indonesia. “UTC Aerospace Systems diharapkan dapat memasok kebutuhan perusahaan-perusahaan MRO (maintenance, repair and overhaul services) nasional sehingga dapat bersaing dengan MRO asing,” jelasnya.

Untuk diketahui, pertumbuhan jumlah penumpang domestik dan internasional yang dilayani oleh maskapai penerbangan nasional pada tahun 2012 diperkirakan mengalami pertumbuhan sekitar 16 persen jika dibandingkan jumlah penumpang di tahun sebelumnya.Saat ini, sebanyak 15 maskapai penerbangan niaga beroperasi di Indonesia dengan populasi pesawat sekitar 800 buah yang didominasi pesawat berbadan sempit atau narrow body. Adapun perusahaan MRO yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia jumlahnya sebanyak 17 buah dengan potensi nilai pasar Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) domestik pada tahun 2015 diprediksi sebesar US$ 2 miliar.

Industri kedirgantaraan Indonesia saat ini memiliki 3.500 karyawan dengan 900 tenaga ahli yang mampu memproduksi pesawat terbang, helikopter, komponen pesawat terbang, alat peraga untuk menerbangkan pesawat atau flight simulator, serta menyediakan pelatihan dan jasa pemeliharaan untuk mesin-mesin pesawat.

UTC Aerospace Systems sendiri bergerak di bidang pembuatan dan penyediaan komponen pesawat terbang. Perusahaan dengan pegawai sebanyak 40.000 orang di seluruh dunia tersebut memiliki usaha patungan atau joint venture dengan PT Pindad (Persero) sejak tahun 1997 yang telah menyerap lebih dari 450 pegawai dengan penjualan hingga US$ 19 juta per tahun.

Sumber : BeritaSatu

AL Indonesia Singapura Latihan Bersama Bahaya Ranjau

Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan yang banyak berbatasan dengan negara tetangga, perlu menjalin kerjasama bilateral maupun multilateral khususnya dalam bidang militer agar keamanan kawasan tetap terjaga. Hal ini disebabkan wilayah perairan Indonesia memiliki potensi kerawanan terhadap berbagai bentuk dan jenis ancaman melalui laut. Salah satu ancaman yang paling berbahaya di laut adalah bahaya ranjau, terutama jika terjadi pada jalur-jalur strategis yang berhubungan dengan Alur Pelayaran Internasional.

Salah satu kerja sama bilateral tersebut adalah latihan tentang bahaya ranjau yang digelar antara TNI AL danRepublic of Singapura Navy (RSN) pada tanggal 1 hingga 8 Juli 2013 di Changi Naval Base dan Perairan timur Pulau Bintan dengan sandi Joint Minex 16/2013. 

Satuan Kapal Ranjau (Satran) Koarmatim yang mempunyai kemampuan dalam menyelenggarakan peperangan ranjau turut serta dan berperan aktif dalam Latma bilateral Joint Minex 16/2013 ini.

Latihan dibuka oleh Commander Maritime Security Task Force (MSTF) Rear Admiral (RADM) Harris Chan dan dihadiri oleh delegasi angkatan laut Indonesia dan Singapura di Changi Naval Base (CNB).

Latihan Joint Minex 16/2013 ini melibatkan 3 KRI dari TNI AL yaitu KRI Pulau Rengat-711, KRI Pulau Rupat-712 dari Satran Koarmatim dan KRI Pulau Rangsang-727 dari Koarmabar. Sedangkan dari pihak AL Singapura melibatkan 2 kapal perangnya yaitu RSS Bedok (M-105) dan RSS Punggol (M-108).

Joint Minex 16/2013 ini bertujuan untuk memperkuat hubungan dan meningkatkan kerja sama, interoperabilitas serta pemahaman antara TNI AL danRSN khususnya mengenai peperangan ranjau serta pertukaran informasi tentang kemampuan dan perkembangan teknologi dari masing-masing negara sekaligus sebagai wadah untuk menguji doktrin Taktik Peperangan Ranjau (TPR) dan peranjauan serta kemampuan alat utama (Alut), peralatan dan personel Satran Koarmatim dan Koarmabar secara terintegrasi untuk mendapatkan kemampuan peperangan ranjau yang optimal.
Dalam latihan ini peserta latihan mendapatkan cakrawala baru tentang kemampuan dan peralatan peperangan ranjau yang dimiliki oleh masing-masing negara serta kesempatan praktek melaksanakan kerjasama taktis perlawanan ranjau  yang meliputi kegiatan :Exploratory Hunting, Clearance Hunting, Mineshape Recovery (Diving ops) ,  MDC Firing antar dua negara melalui manuver lapangan. 

Sumber : Koarmatim

Panser Tarantula Telah Selesai Di Rakit Pindad

Tanpa banyak gembar-gembor, PT. Pindad telah mengerjakan salah hajatan besar milik Kementrian Pertahanan, khususnya Kavaleri TNI-AD. Sejak awal juli, perusahaan senjata asal Bandung ini telah selesai merakit panser Tarantula yang didatangkan langsung dari Korea Selatan.
Total ada 22 unit panser Tarantula yang dibeli pemerintah Indonesia. 11 diantaranya didatangkan dalam bentuk terurai, untuk kemudian dirakit oleh PT.Pindad. Saat ARC berkunjung beberapa waktu lalu, memang bagian hull atau body panser terlihat terpisah dengan bagian turret. Tak perlu waktu lama, Pindad pun menyelesaikan tugas yang diamanatkan.

Panser Tarantula merupakan kendaraan tempur buatan Doosan DST. Ranpur ini memiliki bobot sekitar 18 ton, serta dengan senjata utama berupa meriam 90mm. Tarantula juga didesain mempunyai kemampuan amfibi. Salah satu keunggulan Ranpur ini antara lain radius beloknya yang sangat kecil.

Kontrak pengadaan panser ini telah dimulai sejak tahun 2009 lalu. Namun, proyek ini sempat agak terkatung-katung karena ada beberapa permintaan spesifikasi khusus dari pihak Indonesia.

Meski pekerjaan telah usai, belum diketahui kapan akan dilakukan serah terima. Selain itu, hingga kini pun belum diketahui kesatuan mana yang akan mendapatkan Panser ini, meski konon diperuntukan satuan kavaleri. Beberapa perwira kavaleri yang ditanya pun masih angkat bahu.

source : arc


Ukraina telah berhasil menguji coba sistem rudal ringan anti-tank portabel baru "Corsar" di lapangan tembak dekat Kiev, 25 Juli 2013. Rencananya pengembangan Corsar akan rampung pada akhir 2013 ini, pengembang sistem rudal mengatakan.

Sistem rudal anti tank Corsar
Sistem rudal anti tank Corsar (Foto : Luch)

Menurut pengembang Corsar, Biro Desain Negara Luch Ukraina, Corsar memiliki jangkauan tembak hingga 2.500 meter - hampir dua kali lipat jauhnya dari sistem rudal ringan anti-tank portabel yang ada saat ini. Corsar dapat dioperasikan pada temperatur minus 40 derajat dan plus 60 derajat celcius, ujar perusahaan tersebut.

"Kami akan memasarkan sistem ini dan segera mengadakan kontrak pada 2014 jika pengembangan selesai pada akhir tahun ini," kata seorang juru bicara Luch kepada RIA Novosti.

Corsar ditujukan untuk menghancurkan target kendaraan lapis baja modern yang statis maupun bergerak, kendaraaan lapis baja monolitik termasuk (yang menggunakan) lapis baja reaktif (ERA), helikopter dan kendaraan udara tak berawak, dan benda-benda lainnya.
Peluncur dan rudal anti tank Corsar
Peluncur dan rudal anti tank Corsar (Foto : Luch)

Sistem rudal anti-tank ini akan dibanderol dengan harga sekitar US$ 130 ribu - yang menurut pengembang harga ini tiga kali lebih murah dari sistem anti-tank buatan barat yang ada saat ini.
2500 meter
Waktu terbang (kecepatan maksimum)
10 detik
Hulu ledak
Tandem hollow-charge
Kaliber105 mm
Panjang peluncur
1,16 meter
0,112 meter
18 kg
Temperatur pengoperasianMinus 40 - Plus 60 derajat celcius


Korea Aerospace Industri (KAI) telah menerbitkan gambar dari konsep pesawat tempur stealth yang didasarkan pada pesawat latih supersonik T-50 dan pesawat tempur ringan.Desain mesin Twin KFX dipromosikan oleh Badan Pengembangan Pertahanan sebagai pemrakarsa utama proyek pembangunan pesawat tempur lokal.

Disamping itu beberapa pejabat Korea Selatan meragukan kemampuan Korea memiliki sumber daya teknis untuk membangun KFX terutama jika program kedirgantaraan sipil berjalan pada saat yang sama karena sebuah pesawat turborop 90 kursi juga sedang diusulkan.

namun KF-X adalah sebuah pesawat tempur dari jenis saat ini yang dapat mengambil manfaat dari persaingan harga dengan F-35 Lockheed Martin meskipun SAAB saat ini sudah berada dalam persaingan pasar pesawat tempur canggih dengan Gripen E/F yang telah dimoderenisasi.

T-50 dan FA-50 adalah pesawat tempur ringan yang didasarkan pada pespur F-16 yang dikembangkan dengan bantuan Lockheed Martin,tapi untuk konsep stealth akan dinamai KF-XE.Berangkat dari platform F-16 yang digunakan untuk pesawat sebelumnya beberapa sayap sejajar dengan sisi badan pesawat,sisi trailing pesawat dan ekor menyapu ke depan.Volume hidung KF-XE yang tampak kecil membatasi ukuran antena radar.namun badan pesawat tampaknya lebih banyak memiliki ruang yang menawarkan lebih banyak ruang untuk bahan bakar internal dan dengan demikian kebutuhan untuk tangki eksternal dan refleksi radar pesawat.

Penerapan ekor tunggal pada KF-XE merupakan limit dari desain yang tampaknya bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan siluman diatas Eurofighter Typhoon dan Boeing F/A-18 Hornet.namun tetap masih dibawah kemampuan F-35 dan F-22 Lockheed Martin.Untuk dua pesawat selanjutnya seperti pesawat siluman lainnya yang memiliki sirip ekor Twin atau kembar.

Adapun Isu kunci yang merupakan kendala dalam pengembangan KF-XE mungkin mengenai perizinan dari Lockheed Martin,yang diperkirakan memiliki hak intelektual dalam pengembangan desain T-50 atau hak kontaktual yang setidaknya memastikan bahwa pengembangan KF-XE tidak menjadi pesaing F-16.Kendala lain adalah Angkatan Udara Korsel lebih memilih pesawat bermesin ganda.

Iran Flexing Muscles Part 1: Combat UAVs

Shahed 129
The Shahed 129 if flight, seems very similar to the Israeli Hermes 450.
In recent weeks Iran has introduced new guided weapon systems claimed to be based on indigenous developments. Among these weapons are the Shahed 129 attack Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), precision guided version of the Zelzal medium range rocket, and Taer medium-range air-defense missile, positioned to be a precursor for the country’s new category of air defense weapon systems.
Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari, Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps introduced the Shahed 129 UAV in September 2012. Shahed 129 described as a ‘clone of the Israeli Hermes 450’ was developed by the corps’ military production facilities can carry can the Sadid guided missile it can carry.
Is the Iranian Shahed a reversed engineered hermes 450? If so, what are the implications for Israel’s UAV fleet? Sign up for Defense-Update Premium Account to know more…
In 2010 Iran unveiled an optionally piloted helicopter designated Shahed 285 at the 4rd International Iran Kish Air Show. This helicopter was based on the larger Shahed 278 naval attack helicopter, which can carry up to eight Sadid-1 guided missiles. These missiles are similar in diameter and container size to the Israeli Spike LR missile.
Shahed 285 displayed at the Kish Island Airshow in 2010. Raza Rahman
Shahed 285 displayed at the Kish Island Airshow in 2010. Note the launch tube for weapons, carried one on each side. Photo: Raza Rahman
The maximum takeoff weight of the Shahed 285 as reported by the Iranians, is 1.45 ton, based on an empty (dry) weight of 820 kg, leaving 630 kg for fuel, payload and potentially, a single crew member. The heli-drone has a maximum speed of 225 km/h and mission endurance of five hours, sustaining mission range of 875 km. The hover ceiling out of ground effect is 2,040 meters and service ceiling is 4,160 meters.
In 2010 Iran unveiled the Karrar, claimed to be capable of striking targets at a range of 1000 km
In 2010 Iran unveiled the Karrar, claimed to be capable of striking targets at a range of 1000 km
In 2010 Iran unveiled another unmanned aircraft capable of carrying weapons – the Karrar. Few months later, in February 2011, Iran inaugurated the production line of two other locally designed UAVs with bombing and reconnaissance capabilities. These two drones were named Raad (Thunder) and ‘Nazir’ (Harbinger). Both were designed to conduct long-range reconnaissance, patrolling, assault and bombing missions with high precision.

Zumwalt Class Destroyer

Zumwalt Class Destroyer
The Zumwalt class destroyer (DDG-1000) is a planned class of United States Navy destroyers, designed as multi-mission ships with a focus on land attack. The class is a scaled-back project that emerged after funding cuts to the larger DD-21 vessel program. The program was previously known as the "DD(X)". 

The Zumwalt-class destroyers are multi-role and designed for surface warfare, anti-aircraft, and naval fire support. They take the place of the battleships in filling the former congressional mandate for naval fire support, though the requirement was reduced to allow them to fill this role. The vessel's appearance has been compared to that of the historic ironclad.

The DDG-1000 is planned to feature: a low radar profile; an integrated power system, which can send electricity to the electric drive motors or weapons, which may someday include a railgun or free-electron lasers; total ship computing environment infrastructure, serving as the ship's primary LAN and as the hardware-independent platform for all of the ship's software ensembles; automated fire-fighting systems and automated piping rupture isolation. The destroyer is being designed to require a smaller crew and be less expensive to operate than comparable warships. It will have a wave-piercing tumblehome hull form whose sides slope inward above the waterline. This will reduce the radar cross-section, returning much less energy than a more hard-angled hull form. As of January 2009, the GAO found that only four out of 12 of the DDG-1000's critical technologies were mature.

The lead ship will be named Zumwalt for Admiral Elmo Zumwalt, and carries the hull number DDG-1000. Originally 32 ships were planned for the class, but this was progressively cut down to two, with three to be built currently. The Navy expects each ship to cost nearly $3.3 billion. The DOD's proposed 2010 budget called for three DDG-1000 ships to be produced.
Builders:General Dynamics
Operators: United States Navy
Preceded by:Arleigh Burke-class destroyers
Cost:US$6,6 billion (FY 2011)
In service:April 2013 (forecast)
In commission:March 2015 (forecast)
Planned:USS Zumwalt, USS Michael MonsoorDDG-1002
Class and type:Zumwalt
Type:Multi-mission destroyer, emphasis on land attack
Displacement:14,564 long tons (14,798 t)
Length:600 ft (180 m)
Beam:80.7 ft (24.6 m)
Draft:27.6 ft (8.4 m)
Propulsion:2 Rolls-Royce Marine Trent-30 gas turbines and emergency diesel generators, 78 MW(105,000 shp)
Speed:In excess of 30 kn (56 km/h; 35 mph)
Sensors and
processing systems:
AN/SPY-3 Multi-Function Radar (MFR) (X-band, scanned array)
Armament:• 20 × MK 57 VLS modules, with a total of 80 launch cells
RIM-162 Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM), 4 per cell
Tactical Tomahawk, 1 per cell
Vertical Launch Anti-Submarine Rocket (ASROC), 1 per cell
• 2 × 155 mm Advanced Gun System
920 × 155 mm rounds total; 600 in automated store + Auxiliary store room with up to 320 rounds (non-automatic) as of April 2005
70–100 LRLAP rounds planned as of 2005 of total
• 2 × Mk 110 57 mm gun (CIGS)
Aircraft carried:• One SH-60 LAMPS helicopter or MH-60R helicopter
• Three MQ-8 Fire Scout VT-UAVs
Aviation facilities:Flight deck and enclosed hangar for up to two medium-lift helicopters


Zumwalt Class DestroyerDespite being 40% larger than an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer the radar signature is more akin to a fishing boat and sound levels are compared to the Los Angeles-class submarine. The tumblehome hull reduces radar return and the composite material deckhouse also has a low radar return. Water sleeting along the sides, along with passive cool air induction in the mack reduces thermal emissions.

Tumblehome wave piercing hull

A return to a hull form not seen since the Russo-Japanese War in 1905, the Zumwalt-class destroyer reintroduces the tumblehome hull form. Originally put forth in modern steel battleship designs by the French shipyard Forges et Chantiers de la Mediterranee in La Seyne in Toulon, French naval architects believed that tumblehome, in which the beam of the vessel narrowed from the water-line to the upper deck, would create better freeboard, greater seaworthiness, and, as Russian battleships were to find, would be ideal for navigating through narrow constraints (canals). On the down side, the tumblehome battleships experienced stability problems, especially in high speed turns or losses in watertight integrity. 21st century tumblehome is being reintroduced to reduce the radar return of the hull. The bow is designed to cut through waves rather than ride over them. As mentioned above, the stability of this hull form in high sea states has caused debate among naval architects.

Advanced Gun System (AGS)

There has been research on extending the range of naval gunfire for many years. Canadian engineer Gerald Bull and Naval Ordnance Station Indian Head tested an 11 inch sub-calibre saboted long-range round in a stretched 16"/45 Mark 6 battleship gun in 1967. The Advanced Gun Weapon System Technology Program (AGWSTP) evaluated a similar projectile with longer range in the 1980s. After the battleships were decommissioned in 1992, the AGWSTP became a 5" gun with an intended range of 180 kilometres (110 mi), which then led to the Vertical Gun for Advanced Ships (VGAS). The original DD-21 was designed around this "vertical gun", but the project ran into serious technology/cost problems and was radically scaled back to a more conventional 6.1 inch Advanced Gun System (AGS). One advantage of this move was that the gun was no longer restricted to guided munitions.
The Advanced Gun System is a 155 mm naval gun, two of which would be installed in each ship. This system consists of an advanced 155 mm gun and the Long Range Land-Attack Projectile. This projectile is in fact a rocket with a warhead fired from the AGS gun; the warhead weighs 11 kg / 24 lb and has a circular error of probability of 50 meters. This weapon system will have a range of 83 nautical miles (154 km) and the fully automated storage system will have room for up to 750 rounds. The barrel is water cooled to prevent over-heating and allows a rate of fire of 10 rounds per minute per gun. The combined firepower from a pair of turrets gives each Zumwalt-class destroyer firepower equivalent to 18 conventional M198 field guns.

Peripheral Vertical Launch System (PVLS)

The Peripheral Vertical Launch System is an attempt to reclaim the prized center space of the hull while increasing the safety of the ship from the loss of the entire missile battery and the loss of the ship in the case of a magazine explosion. The system scatters pods of VLS around the outer shell of the ship having a thin steel outer shell and a thick inner shell. The design of the PVLS would direct the force of the explosion outward rather than ripping the ship in half. Additionally this design keeps the loss of missile capacity down to just the pod being hit.

Boat and helicopter arrangements

Two spots will be available on a large aviation deck while boat handling is to be dealt within a stern mounted boat hangar with ramp. The boat hangar’s stern location meets high sea state requirements for boat operations.

Dual-band radar

Originally, the AN/SPY-3 Active Electronically Scanned Array primarily X-band radar (high altitude near airspace) was to be married with Lockheed Martin's SPY-4 S-band volume search radar. Raytheon’s X-band, active-array SPY-3 Multi-Function Radar (MFR) offers superior medium to high altitude performance over other radar bands, and its pencil beams give it an excellent ability to focus in on targets. SPY-3 will be the primary DBR radar used for missile engagements. On 2 June 2010 Pentagon acquisition chief Ashton Carter announced that they will be removing the SPY-4 S-band Volume Search Radar from the DDG 1000's dual-band radar. It seems that the new radar will be The Air Missile Defense Radar (AMDR), a system currently in the early stages of development The AMDR will provide multi-mission capabilities, supporting both long range, exoatmospheric detection, tracking and discrimination of ballistic missiles, as well as Area and Self Defense against air and surface threats. For the Ballistic Missile Detection capability, increased radar sensitivity and bandwidth over the current SPY system is needed to detect, track and support the SPY-3's engagements of advanced ballistic missile threats at the required ranges. For the Area Air Defense and Self Defense capability, increased sensitivity and clutter rejection capability is needed to detect, react to, and engage stressing Very Low Observable / Very Low Flyer (VLO/VLF) threats in the presence of heavy land, sea, and rain clutter. Each band will have its own signal processors, with the returns combined by the display sensor manager. This system is thought to provide high detection and excellent anti-jamming capabilities. But at least one report by Congress' investigative arm, the GAO, raises concerns that it is too much of a technology leap.


A dual-band sonar controlled by a highly automated computer system will be used to detect mines and submarines. It is claimed that it is superior to the Burke's sonar in littoral ASW, but less effective in blue water/deep sea areas.
  • Hull-mounted mid-frequency sonar (AN/SQS-60)
  • Hull-mounted high-frequency sonar (AN/SQS-61)
  • Multi-function towed array sonar and handling system (AN/SQR-20)


The DDX proposed to use a Permanent Magnet Motor (PMM) within the hull. An alternate twin pod arrangement was rejected as the ramifications of pod drives would require too much development and validation cost to the vessel. The PMM is considered to be another technology leap and is the cause of some concern along with the radar system from Congress. As part of the design phase, Northrop Grumman had built the world's largest permanent magnet motor, designed and fabricated by DRS Technologies. This proposal was dropped when the PMM motor failed to demonstrate that it was ready to be installed in time.
Zumwalt will have Converteam's Advanced Induction Motors (AIM), rather than DRS Technologies' Permanent Magnet-Synchronous Motors (PMM).
"...The exact choice of engine systems remains somewhat controversial at this point. The concept was originally for an integrated power system (IPS) based on in-hull permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMMs), with Advanced Induction Motors (AIM) as a possible backup solution. The design was shifted to the AIM system in February 2005 in order to meet scheduled milestones; PMM technical issues were subsequently fixed, but the program has moved on. The downside is that AIM technology has a heavier motor, requires more space, requires a "separate controller" to be developed to meet noise requirements, and produces one-third the amount of voltage. On the other hand, these very differences will force time and cost penalties from design and construction changes if the program wishes to "design AIM out"..."

Integrated Power System (IPS)

The Integrated Power System (IPS) is a step both forward and backwards. In some ways similar to the old turbo-electric drive, the addition of PMMs and integration of all electrical power systems gives ten times the power available on current destroyers. It also impacts the ship's thermal and sound signature. The IPS has added to weight growth in the Zumwalt-class destroyer as noted by the GAO.


Automation will reduce crew size on these ships. A smaller crew will reduce a major component of operating costs.
Ammunition, food, and other stores, are all mounted in containers able to be struck below to magazine/storage areas by an automated cargo handling system.
Water spray or mist systems are proposed for deployment in the Zumwalt-class destroyer but the electronic spaces remains problematic to the designers. Halon/Nitrogen dump systems are preferred but do not work when the space has been compromised by a hull breach. The GAO has noted this system as a potential problem yet to be addressed.

Computer network

The Total Ship Computing Environment Infrastructure (TSCEI) is based on GE Fanuc Embedded Systems' PPC7A and PPC7D single-board computers running LynuxWorks' LynxOS RTOS.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Masalah pembelian Light Fregat Nahkoda Ragam masih mengandung misteri. Banyak kalangan meragukan kapabilitas dan kemampuan kapal perang yang ditolak Angkatan Laut Kerajaan Brunei ini. Namun demikian, tampaknya pembelian terus berlanjut dengan sejumlah upgrade.

Salah satu yang mendapat sentuhan peningkatan adalah kemampuan peperangan anti pesawat. Tidak lagi mengandalkan sea wolf, TNI-AL berketetapan menggantinya dengan VL Mica. Setidaknya demikianlah dari dokumen yang didapat oleh ARC.

VL Mica sendiri merupakan rudal anti pesawat buatan MBDA Prancis. Rudal ini sanggup menggeber sasaran hingga sejauh 20 km dan ketinggian hingga 30 ribu kaki. Dengan kemampuan rudal fire and forget serta bobot hulu ledak mencapai 12 kilogram, menjadikan VL Mica sebuah lompatan besar dalam pertahanan udara armada TNI-AL. Maklum saja, sejauh ini TNI-AL hanya mengandalkan rudal pertahanan udara sekelas Mistral dan Strella. Diharapkan, sebelum tahun 2014, Fregat ini bisa bergabung dengan Armada TNI-AL.

Selain Mica, dalam proses pengadaan meriam multilaras (CIWS) serta rudal C-705 lengkap dengan FCS-nya. Bisa ditebak pengadaan ini adalah untuk melengkapi kapal perang jenis KCR-40.

source: arc

Malaysia Lirik Rudal Yakhont Rusia

Rudal BrahMos
Rudal BrahMos varian peluncuran dari udara

Malaysia saat ini juga mencari tender untuk pengadaan 18 pesawat tempur yang akan dikirimkan pada tahun 2015. Pesawat-pesawat ini rencananya akan menggantikan armada MiG-29N TUDM (14 pesawat aktif). Sebelumnya, Malaysia juga telah menaruh minat besar untuk mengakuisisi rudal BrahMos yang merupakan rudal hasil pengembangan bersama India dan Rusia.

Rusia juga telah meyakinkan pihak Malaysia bahwa Su-30MKM TUDM akan bisa dimodifikasi untuk meluncurkan rudal BrahMos. Sama halnya seperti Sukhoi Su-30MKI India yang telah dimodifikasi untuk meluncurkan rudal BrahMos pada awal 2014 nanti.

Flanker Su-30MKM Malaysia mirip dengan Su-30MKI India. Seperti halnya India, Su-30MKM merupakan sebuah kemajuan substansial untuk versi ekspor dari Su-30K standar, HAL (produsen pertahanan India) telah memasok canardstabilisator dan fins (sirip) untuk Sukhoi Malaysia. Instruktur dan teknisi IAF (Angkatan Udara India) di masa lalu juga telah melatih pilot-pilot Angkatan Udara Malaysia.

Spesifikasi Rudal BrahMos (Varian Udara)
2,55 ton
8,4 meter
0,6 meter
Hulu ledak
200-300 kg
Mach 2,8 - 3
300-500 km
Tinggi peluncuran
500-14.000 km
1 m (Wikipedia)
MesinDua tahap;
- Tahap pertama: solid propellant booster
- Tahap kedua: liquid-fueled ramjet