Friday, May 10, 2013

7 Drone Fighter Milik Uni Emirat Arab

7 Drone Fighter Produksi Industri Militer Uni Emirat Arab

1.YABHON-R is a Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) UAV, designed and manufactured by ADCOM Systems for tactical missions including real time day and night reconnaissance and surveillance, search and rescue, border surveillance, remote area monitoring and other similar missions.
YABHON-R is designed for short take off and landing using a semi-prepared short runway. It can land on wheels or by emergency parachute system.

2.YABHON-R2 is a Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) UAV, designed and manufactured by ADCOM Systems for tactical missions including real time day and night reconnaissance and surveillance, search and rescue, border surveillance, remote area monitoring and other similar missions.
YABHON-R2 is designed for short take off and landing using a semi-prepared short runway. It can land on wheels or by emergency parachute system.

3.YABHON-RX is a tactical UAV used for day and night surveillance, search and rescue, border control, environmental monitoring and related unmanned missions.The airframe consists of a mid wing configuration with pod fuselage, single pusher engine, twin boom tail unit and fully retractable landing gear.
The airframe is made mainly as a sandwich of high density structural foam between glass fiber/epoxy skins. Airframe modules can be assembled easily in the field.
YABHON-RX is intended to be operated from a launcher and designed for fully automatic take-off and landing. An emergency parachute system provides full safety if power or command link failed.

4.YABHON-H is a high performance, efficient canard UAV. YABHON-H uses the very latest aerodynamic technology, high
aspect-ratio double delta wing with laminar airfoils optimized for efficient cruise.
YABHON-H UAV has responsive ailerons, good turbulence resistance, excellent "hands off" stability anddocile stall. Those features make its flying qualities superior.
Climb is excellent even at a high angle of attack. Due to the small dimensions, it can be used as tactical UAV,
launched from shipboard or land with a small conventional launcher system and recovered by parachute.

5.SMART EYE is a Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) UAV, designed and manufactured by ADCOM Systems for strategic missions including:
• Near real time (NRT) combat assessment
• Battle damage assessment (BDA)
• Intelligence preparation of the battlefield
• Special operations, reconnaissance operations and humanitarian aid
• Border surveillance and communications relay
The ultra-long endurance of the SMART EYE comes from its glider-like, high aspect ratio wings. It can carry two gimbaled camera platforms.

6.SMART EYE 1 is a high performance UAV optimized for efficient cruise with high aspect-ratio wings and laminar airfoils.
The flying qualities are superb; it is very stable, good turbulence resistance and docile stall.
Climb is excellent, even at a high angle of attack.
Due to the small dimension it can be used as tactical UAV."

7.UNITED 40 is a Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) UAV, designed and manufactured by ADCOM Systems for strategic missions including:
Near real time (NRT) combat assessment
• Battle damage assessment (BDA)
• Intelligence preparation of the battlefield
• Special operations, reconnaissance operations and humanitarian aid
• Border surveillance and communications relay.
The ultra-long endurance of the UNITED 40 comes from its glider-like, high aspect ratio wings. It can carry a gimbaled camera platforms.

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