Monday, May 13, 2013

Drone - UAV Yabhon MD Uni Emirat Arab

YABHON-HMD is high performance, high maneuverability and high altitude jet engine target. Powered by jet turbine, the airframe is capable of long endurance with high performance.

The target can be launched from shipboard or land with a conventional launcher system, no boosters [RATO] are required. The big internal volume allows to carry wide range of payloads like passive and active radar augmenters, smoke and infrared cartridges, miss distance indicators, low altitude flight devices, transponders.

YABHON-HMD is designed to be used as target for antiaircraft guns, surface-to-air missiles, air-to-air missiles.

Wingspan 3.38 m11 ft
Length 4.32 m14.1 ft
Height 0.66 m2.18 ft
Empty weight 105 kg231 lb
Max. take-off weight 220 kg485 lb
Payload weight 25 kg55 lb
Fuel tank capacity110 lt29 gallon

Flight Performance
Stall speed (sea level)162 km/h[45 m/s]87 kt
Cruise speed450-648 km/h[125-180 m/s]242-349 kt
Operating  speed0.55 -0.67 mach
Maximum speed800 km/h[222 m/s]432 kt
Climbing rate (sea level)[30 m/s]
Endurance60 min
Ceiling (practical)8000 m26200 ft
Ceiling (theoretical)9500 m31100 ft
3.38 m11 ft
4.32 m
14.1 ft
0.66 m2.18 ft
Transportation Dimensions3.26 x 1.08 x 0.46 m10.6 x 3.55 x 1.5 ft

Wide range of payload sensors including:
IR flares.
Passive or active radar augmenters
Luneberg lens.

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