Sunday, May 12, 2013

New Boxer variant presented to customers in Unterlüß for first time

Combination is fully convincing

A concept study of the highly mobile wheeled Boxer vehicle equipped with a prototype of the medium caliber turret system LANCE had already been presented to a wide audience at the Eurosatory 2010. Development of this concept study has now been successfully advanced and built up to full functionality.
In close cooperation between RMMV Kassel, RLS Augsburg and RLS Kiel, a series LANCE turret system and a series Boxer module as well as a modified series mission module have been combined to one system and tested at the Rheinmetall Defence test center in Unterlüß. Realisation of the study has thus been verified.
Boxer driving over a tank bridge at Unterlüß (left) and Boxer in the terrain with stabilised weapon system (right)
Boxer driving over a tank bridge at Unterlüß (left) and Boxer in the terrain with stabilised weapon system (right)
Both in the driving dynamic presentation and shooting demonstration in front of a high-profile delegation, Boxer and LANCE provided convincing evidence of their efficiency. The conclusion drawn from the impressive presentation: the combination of highly protected, highly mobile and mission-proven vehicle platform with the most modern medium caliber turret in the world was able to convince at all levels.
The armoured transport vehicle Boxer is being produced within the framework of a bi-national program. Boxer is a highly mobile, state-of-the-art wheeled vehicle whose modular design permits a wide variety of mission-specific configurations. Consisting of a uniform drive module, the Boxer vehicle family's user-specific mission modules can be quickly exchanged. A number of mission variants have been developed, including a troop carrier for transporting an infantry section, a field ambulance, a combat engineering section vehicle, C4I and C2 command vehicles, a logistics vehicle and a battlefield maintenance vehicle.
Live firing at the proving ground in Unterlüß
Live firing at the proving ground in Unterlüß

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