Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Lightweight Armor for Tactical Vehicles

LTAS provides a quick and affordable configuration of armor protection enabling military units to match specific threats by applying modular ballistic protection kits on 'A Kit' attachments installed on the vehicle. Photo: BAE Systems

LTAS provides a quick and affordable configuration of armor protection enabling military units to match specific threats by applying modular ballistic protection kits on ‘A Kit’ attachments installed on the vehicle. Photo: BAE Systems

The U.S. Army Tactical Vehicle Armor Development (TVAD) program is interested in ballistic armor solutions meeting the Long-Term Armor Strategy (LTAS) Objective performance requirement, at less than 2.5 inches thick, weighing no more than 30 pounds per square foot that can be applied to tactical vehicles.
Over the recent years the Army has implemented a modular approach to vehicle protection, pertaining mainly to the ability to adapting the vehicle’s ballistic armor to changing threat levels. LTAS is defining the specification and attachments (A-Kit) installed on the vehicle, and an add-on B-Kit, consists of both transparent armor and opaque armor, providing the appropriate level of protection.
Units can store B-Kits of different levels of protection, used only on missions where certain levels of threats are expected.

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