Saturday, July 20, 2013

AUS&R 2013 Expo Autonomous, Unmanned Systems & Robotics

AUSR 980x200

Live Display Agenda Submit PapersExhibition Partners Venu Register 

i-hls and Defense Update are excited to present AUS&R 2013 – a unique opportunity for developers, manufacturers, OEM, service providers and operators of unmanned systems, to display and demonstrate their capabilities to professional audience.
Policy makers, uniformed service leaders, law enforcement and industry partners will gather here to network, share best practices and explore potential paths for future cooperation.


The following systems will be displayed on the static and LIVE display at AUS&R 2013
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live demonstration of unmanned vehicles
in the air, on land and at sea!

Reflecting Israel’s leadership in the field of unmanned systems field, AUS&R 2013 will provide the opportunity to display numerous platforms, systems and solutions from Israel and abroad, demonstrated live on site!
The live display will comprise three sessions, 45 min. each. The sessions will include air, land and naval vehicles. The performance of different mission payloads will be presented to the audience over large video screens. The event will also provide extensive audio-visual support to display demonstrations on videos throughout the day.

Planned Agenda

AUS&R conference will focus on the following tracks: Solutions, Platforms and Missions
Highlighting present and future aspects of unmanned systems, and their use in military, homeland security and civil applications, AUS&R 2013 provides the perfect stage to discuss the prospects and challenges facing autonomous and unmanned systems operations in the air, land and at sea.
Following is a preliminary program of the event:media_partner_aw
08:30 – 09:20 Registration & Reception
08:30 – 16:00 – Exhibition open to visitors & delegates

Morning Session 09:20 – 11:10
Keynote Presentation: Future Trends in Unmanned Systems – Looking Beyond the Horizon
Solutions TrackPlatforms TrackMissions Track
BriefingDrones & National Security
The role of unmanned systems providing strategic situational awareness to enabling timely, actionable, response
Command, Control & Autonomy
Examining the command and control concepts required for the autonomous operation of multiple unmanned systems
Persistent Surveillance, Actionable Intelligence
The evolution of platforms, payloads and operating systems and human elements, toward persistent and actionable operation
BriefingUnmanned at the Airport
An examination of the benefits of operating unmanned systems around at airports, and the problems they may cause, when operated irresponsibly
Manufacturing for High Performance
Higher performance (endurance), increased survivability (stealth), better efficiencies (lower drag) and reduced cost ($$) are only part of the benefits offered by advanced materials and new manufacturing techniques
Protecting the Unmanned Systems
By definition, unmanned systems are exposed to a wide range of threats, from cyber to kinetic. This briefing highlights those threats and suggests potential countermeasures
11:15 – 12:00 – Live Demonstration: Intelligence, Force Protection Applications

Mid-Day Session: 12:30 – 14:00
keynote Presentation: Unmanned Systems – Threat Assessment
Solutions TrackPlatforms TrackMissions Track
BriefingMaritime & EEZ Security
Unmanned systems are introducing new capabilities for maritime security in the littorals, EEZ and open sea
SATCOM Datalinks for Unmanned Systems
Extending the range and endurance of unmanned systems also mandates the use of suitable navigation, command,  control and communications links
Video and Image Processing for Drones
Advanced image and video processing technologies are introducing enhanced utilities for mission analysts, and new potential for tactical uses
BriefingUnmanned Systems for Force Protection
New capabilities provided by unmanned systems are increasing force protection of troops, security personnel and first responders
Transforming Robots for Emergency Response
What it takes to transform a robot into an earthmover, firefighter or mine cruncher?
Improving Robotic Bomb Disposal Capabilities
Improving the capabilities, efficiencies and operability of C-IED/EOD robotic systems
BriefingUVS for Border and Perimeter Security
The role of unmanned systems in securing border lines and perimeters
‘Mobility Out of the Box’
The essence of unmanned systems is the capability to move, but most are employing traditional mobility concepts.
Remote Sensing for Unmanned Systems
Advanced applications utilizing radar technology with robotic and unmanned systems
14:30 – 15:20 – Live Demonstration: Homeland Security, Border & Infrastructure Security, EOD & First Response

Afternoon Session: 15:20 – 16:40
Keynote Presentation: Space – The Ultimate Frontier for Autonomous & Robotic Systems
Solutions TrackPlatforms TrackMissions Track
BriefingTerrain Dominance
The integration of persistent, wide area surveillance, with Big Data Fusion and automated intelligence analysis opens new opportunities for ‘Terrain Dominance’
Power & propulsion for unmanned systems
As platforms are getting smaller and missions are extended, UVS are requiring increased power densities for operation. This briefing will examine some of these trends
The human aspects of UVS
How to manage the human aspect of unmanned systems? What is needed to develop the skills, maintain  proficiency and protect the human operators?
BriefingUnmanned Warriors Raising Legitimacy Concerns
Legal, Social and ethical considerations of unmanned systems operations
EO Payloads for UVS
Evolutionary trends in EO payloads – smarter, lighter and smaller, yet more capable and affordable…
MMI – The Next Generation
How our children will operate the future unmanned systems? A bold look at some of the futuristic man-machine interfaces
16:50 – 17:35 – Live Demonstration: Night operations, urban, and counter-terror/SWAT

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