Saturday, May 11, 2013

Alih Teknologi Kapal Selam Korea Alot

JAKARTA - Meski sepakat soal transfer teknologi pembuatan kapal selam kerja sama Indonesia-Korea masih menghadapi kendala. Soalnya pihak Korea meminta Indonesia tidak terlibat terlalu jauh melainkan cukup melihat proses pembuatannya saja. "Memang gampang diucapkan tapi detailnya harus dijelaskan" kata Menteri Pertahanan Purnomo Yusgiantoro di kantornya kemarin.

Ini bermula ketika Indonesia memesan tiga unit kapal selam berbobot 1.500-1.600 ton ke galangan kapal Korea Selatan Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering. Kedua negara sepakat satu kapal selam pertama dibangun di Korea Selatan. Pembuatan kapal selam kedua tetap dilakukan di Korea Selatan, namun dikerjakan bersama dengan perwakilan Indonesia, PT PAL. Adapun kapal selam ketiga bakal digarap di galangan PT PAL di Surabaya, Indonesia.

Kepala Badan Sarana Pertahanan Kementerian Pertahanan Laksamana Muda Rachmad Lubis mengatakan, dalam perjanjian alih teknologi itu, Indonesia meminta perwakilan PT PAL ikut serta dalam perakitan kapal selam. Tapi pihak Korea Selatan tidak setuju. “Mereka meminta Indonesia Learning By Seeing atau cukup melihat proses pembuatan saja,” kata Rachmad. Korea beralasan, galangan kapal Daewoo dikejar target pemesanan kapal selam dari sejumlah negara. Mereka khawatir keterlibatan Indonesia dalam perakitan akan mengulur waktu mereka. 

Komisi Pertahanan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat meminta Kementerian Pertahanan meninjau kembali nota kesepahaman kerja sama pembelian tiga kapal selam itu. “Jangan sampai teledor dan berujung negara merugi karena tidak maksimal mendapatkan transfer teknologi,” kata anggota Komisi Pertahanan, Yahya Sacawiria, kemarin.

Informasi Konsep Komputer Masa Depan Antara 2014-2020

Informasi Konsep Komputer Masa Depan Antara 2014-2020-Seperti yang kita ketahui, harga komputer saat ini sudah turun drastis, hal semacam itu terjadi tiap kali ada teknologi baru yang keluar, tentunya teknologi yang lama harganya akan turun drastis. Baca juga artikel tentang Teknologi Papan Tulis Layar Sentuh.

Saat ini dunia komputer sudah semakin canggih dengan teknologi baru yang bermunculan dan juga ramah lingkungan, mungkin 2 atau 3 tahun kedepan akan lebih canggih lagi dari yang kita pakai sekarang ini, seiring berkembangnya ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, laptop merupakan suatu perangkat komputer yang sangat diinginkan bagi kalangan yang berkecimpung atau pengguna IT.

Selain dapat digunakan dimana saja, laptop juga menjadi Gaya Hidup masa kini (seorang profesional). Kemana-mana bisa dibawa dan digunakan, baik di kantor maupun cafe sambil nongkrong dan minum kopi, tapi tanpa disadari saat ini harga laptop semakin hari semakin menurun bahkan saat ini Harga Jual Laptop Terbaru berkisar 5 sampai 8 juta rupiah di Toko Komputer.

Alhasil banyak orang menggunakan laptop dari pada PC Desktop. Baik dari merek-merek terkenal maupun merek asia dan bahkan merek lokal pun turut ikut mewarnai dalam kancah bisnis komputer tersebut.

Saat ini negara berkembang “semua orang ingin maju dan pintar” telah membuat suatu teknologi didalam dunia IT yang akan menggeser posisi komputer dan laptop. Yaitu teknologi mini komputer masa depan yang sedang dipromosikan lebih praktis dan lebih hebat dari teknologi sekarang.

Karena hanya mengandalkan sebatang pulpen atau berbentuk handphone tapi tetap memiliki kemampuan super komplit seperti PC komputer atau laptop. Saat ini negara Indonesia masih menjadi pemakai saja dan hanya menerima perakitan ulang, namun kita boleh berharap suatu hari nanti Indonesia juga turut menjadi produsen komputer – komputer masa depan yang lebih canggih.
Berikut ini gambar-gambar Konsep Komputer Masa Depan Antara 2014-2020 :

Sumber artikel :


MOSCOW - Sejumlah jet tempur terbang melintasi lapangan merah Moskow dan tank-tank berat berkumpul saat Rusia memamerkan perangkat militernya pada peringatan kemenangan melawan tentara Nazi Jerman di Perang Dunia II.

Keputusan untuk mengadakan parade "Hari Kemenangan" diambil diktator Soviet Joseph Stalin setelah negara ini diperkirakan kehilangan 27 juta rakyat untuk mempertahankan wilayah teritorialnya dan wilayah Front Timur.

Tradisi itu juga telah diwarnai gembar-gembor baru oleh Presiden Vladimir Putin, seorang nasionalis yang semangat patriotismenya telah merebut hati para kelas menengah.

Parade Hari Kemenangan telah terancang lebih baik selama 13 tahun kepemimpinan Putin dengan masuknya peluru kendali antarbenua dan pengebom Tu-95 yang diperkirakan dapat mencapai tepi Amerika Serikat.

Tradisi itu disertai dengan kembalinya retorika pro-Soviet dan peran penting pertahanan perang Moskow yang juga disinggung Putin, pada Kamis.

"Kami akan selalu mengingat bahwa Rusia, Uni Soviet, yang telah merusak rencana congkak dan tidak pantas Nazi serta menjaga mereka yang berambisi untuk menguasai dunia," kata Putin pada upacara yang disiarkan televisi nasional.

"Tentara kami telah menyelamatkan kebebasan dan kemerdekaan dengan mempertahankan Tanah Air mereka, membebaskan Eropa dan mengklaim kemenangan yang diyakini akan hidup selama beberapa abad," katanya.

Perayaan ke-68 yang Rusia sebut Perang Patriot yang hebat melibatkan 11 ribu tentara berbaris melangkah ke basis militer dengan spanduk bertuliskan "9 Mei" yang menghiasi dinding Kremlin.

Sekitar dua ribu veteran tampak bangga mengenakan rompi dengan medali yang disematkan Putin pada resepsi spesial di Ktemlin setelah dia melihat aksi militer dari panggung.

Putin juga menenggak 100 gram vodka tradisional yang pada waktu perang diminum para tentara setiap harinya.

Pemimpin Rusia -- dengan citra perkasanya yang menghiasi layar televisi dengan jet tempur dan tank -- telah mencanangkan rencana belanja militer dengan anggaran 740 miliar dollar AS untuk satu dekade mendatang dengan pengiriman 400 peluru kendali balistik baru dan 600 pesawat tempur.

"Kami harus memodernisasi industri pertahanan kita secara komprehensif seperti yang dilakukan pada tahun 1930," kata Putin tahun lalu dengan merefrensikan pada tahun-tahun terburuk pembersihan politik era Stalin.

Sekelompok pendukung Komunis pada Rabu meluncurkan patung Stalin di wilayah timur Yakustsk.

Rencana militer Putin telah menekan anggaran di sektor lain dan untuk pabrik usang era militer Soviet yang sudah tidak ampu memenuhi permintaan untuk memproduksi senajata dengan generasi terbaru.

Putin beberapa kali menunjukan kekecewaanya terhadap produk militer seperti tank dan sistem persenjataan yang berharga lebih mahal dibanding rival mereka di Barat, namun sering gagal ketika diuji kehandalannya.

Pemimpin Kremlin mengatakan pengeluaran militer tambahan diperlukan untuk mengamankan peran Rusia sebagai penjamin perdamaian di seluruh dunia.

"Kami akan melakukan semua yang kami bisa untuk memperkuat keamanan di planet ini," katanya, Kamis dikutip AFP.

Sumber : Antara

Transfer Teknologi Alat-Alat Tempur: Fakta Atau Utopia ?

MLRS Astross II yang dibeli TNI dari Brazil beberapa waktu lalu. Akankah Brazil melakukan Transfer teknologi (ToT) untuk Indonesia dalam pembuatan Rudal Multi laras ini ? 

Transfer teknologi, terlebih lagi di bidang militer, adalah kisah yang hampir-hampir menjadi dongeng. Dongeng yang enak di dengar, mudah di ucapkan, namun nyatanya selalu sulit diwujudkan. Mungkin istilah itu harus diganti, agar terminologi itu tidak terasa 'menakutkan' bagi negara-negara maju, yang dalam hal ini terkandung makna harus memberikan ilmunya kepada negara-negara berkembang. Jika dalam green technology saja transfer teknologi begitu sulit, apalagi di bidang militer, tentu lebih sulit lagi. Jangan berharap mereka (negara maju) itu mau menularkan ilmunya begitu saja.

Tapi jika memang transfer teknologi itu sesuatu yang mustahil dilakukan, kenapa Jerman mau berbaik hati membantu Indonesia mendirikan pabrik pesawat terbang bernama IPTN ketika itu ?
Ya, itulah kelihaian BJ Habibie dalam memboyong ahli-ahli pesawat Jerman ke Indonesia, dan kepandaian beliau juga dalam meyakinkan Presiden Soeharto ketika itu agar mau tanda tangan mengalokasikan trliunan rupiah untuk proses pendirian dan pendidikan ahli-ahli aeronetika Indonesia.

Transfer teknologi memang sulit, tapi bukan berarti mustahil. Terbukti kita juga bisa menguasai teknologi tinggi yang tidak mampu dikuasai oleh negara tetangga, berkat 'transfer teknologi' dari negara maju seperti Jerman. Persoalannya tidak terletak pada keengganan sang penguasa teknologi untuk memberikan ilmu dan pengalamannya pada negara penerima, melainkan 'cara' mendapatkannya.

Ya, cara atau strategi negara berkembang agar bisa mendapatkan ilmu dari negara maju itulah yang menentukan. Hampir pasti mereka tidak akan sudi memberikan begitu saja pada negara dan bangsa lain, namun mereka bisa 'dipaksa' dengan satu atau lain cara agar mau 'menularkan' ilmunya ke negara-negara berkembang.

Seperti yang tengah dan sudah kita lakukan, kita bisa saja merekrut tenaga ahli dari mereka (negara-negara maju) untuk bekerja di perusahaan yang kita dirikan dengan menawarkan bayaran yang lebih tinggi di bandingkan di negara asalnya. Ekspatriat itu dikontrak dalam jangka waktu tertentu, dan diberi target dalam waktu tertentu pula agar bisa mendidik anak buahnya yang orang Indonesia untuk menguasai keahlian mereka. Itu yang dilakuka PT DI dulu.

Cara kedua adalah dengan riset dan pengembangan bersama dengan negara-negara lain. Misalnya program pembuatan kapal selam Indonesia-Korsel dan proyek pembuatan pesawat tempur KFX/IFX juga antara Korsel-Indonesia.

Cara ketiga adalah 'mencontek' teknologi itu dengan membongkar pasang barang yang kita beli dari mereka. Jepang mungkin berhasil melakukan dengan cara ini, mencontek teknologi AS lalu mereka kembangkan sendiri menjadi teknologi yang lebih marketable. Indonesia bisa saja membongkar satu Tank Tempur Utama Leopard, mempretelinya satu demi satu, dipelajari, lalu dicontek model dan bentuknya. Juga cara kerjanya. Tapi cara ini sangat sulit, perlu berpuluh-puluh tahun. Tapi yang namanya manusia, tetap saja bisa belajar dan melakukan hal itu dengan sukses.

Cara keempat adalah dengan pendirian perusahaan Joint Venture, yakni perusahaan patungan antara perusahaan nasional baik swasta/BUMN dengan perusahaan asing yang memiliki teknologi itu. Contohnya, adalah rencana pendirian perusahaan Foxconn dengan PT LEN dan PT INTI untuk memproduksi tablet canggih dan smarphone high-end.

Pemerintah untuk itu perlu mengatur dalam suatu UU penanaman modal asing, agar transfer teknologi bisa berjalan mulus tanpa hambatan. Misalnya, mengharuskan PT Freeport untuk joint venture dengan perusahaan domestik dalam proses pemurnian emas dan penambangan. Atau mengharuskan Exxon dalam ijin kontraknya dengan Pertamina dalam teknologi eksplorasi dan idenfiikasi sumber-sumber minyak baru. Dengan klausul kontrak yang diperbaiki dan lebih berpihak pada kepentingan nasional, hal itu mungkin bisa dilakukan. Mengapa ? Karena Freeport juga tak mungkin hengkang dan mengalihkan penambangannya ke Alaska atau Chichago sana. Beda dengan Bank atau pabrik mobil yang bisa begitu saja dipindahkan ke negara lain. Persoalannya adalah bunyi kontrak yang sudah ditandatangani waktu pemerintahan dulu begitu merugikan Indonesia. Indonesia bisa saja me-renegosiasi lagi atau 'memaksa' mereka untuk taat pada hukum juridiksi Indonesia. Lain kali hati-hati kalau buat kontrak dengan asing.

Cara kelima adalah cara efektif dan cepat dari Sang Menteri BUMN Dahlan Iskan. Menteri BUMN Dahlan Iskan mencari seantero dunia talenta-talenta hebat Indonesia yang bekerja di perusahaan-perusahaan raksasa yang bergerakdi bidang teknologi tinggi seperti pembuatan mobil listrik. Gagal import batteri secara massal dari China, Dahlan Iskan mencari cara lain. Beliau (Dahlan Iskan) memanggil pulang anak muda WNI yang pakar pembuatan batteri, yang berpengalaman pernah bekerja dalam pembuatan mobil Hybrid di Daimler Chrysler atau Ferrarri. Hasilnya, berdirilah pabrik batteri canggih di Indonesia untuk keperluan produksi massal mobil listrik nasional.

Dan masih banyak cara lain lagi yang bisa kita terapkan untuk 'mencuri' teknologi dari negara maju. Yang penting, berantas dulu korupsi, KKN yang menjadi hambatan utama dalam memajukan bangsa dan negara ini. Perbaikan manajemen SDM, khususnya sistem renumerasi dan merit system yang berbasis pada kinerja mutlak dilakukan. Jangan sampai misalnya, guru-guru yang bolos selama tahunan tak pernah mau mengajar, malah mendapat dana sertifikasi yang jumlahnya puluhan juta rupiah. Sementara, tenaga pendidik tidak tetap justru harus bekerja keras dengan upah secuil.

Dengan doa dan kerja keras, Insya Allah bisa terwujud. 

WikiGun – 3D Printers Bring the Age of DIY Weapons

Printed AK47 magazine designed and printed on a 3D printer by Defense Distributed. Photo: Defense Distributed
Printed AK47 magazine designed and printed on a 3D printer by Defense Distributed. Photo: Defense Distributed.
Few months ago Texas based Defense Distributed had an idea – to produce weapon accessories using new 3D printing technology. It started with ‘printed magazines’ for AK47 made of from ABS, a thermoplastic material processed into net-shape form by 3D printers. Each magazine sells for $47. A more complex system – the lower receiver for AR15 sells for $150. But the accessories business wasn’t exciting enough. Taking technology beyond the limits was more fun. It also created a lot of buzz – over five months, 750,000 people viewed on youtube how the lower receiver fails in a firing test. So Defense Distributed decided to take the next step – produce a complete printable weapon and distribute the code free on the web, facilitating a Wikipedia like printable firearm – hence ‘WikiWep’. Defense Update reports.
Few months later, the project has got a whole new dimension, with news networks, weapon activists, even legislators airing their opinions about the risks and opportunity of 3D printed weapons, that can be produced by anyone having a commercially available 3D printer and internet access.
Liberator, the printed gun fires is currently designed to fire a single .308 cartridge. It is produced by printing it into a net shape from ABS thermoplastic material. The files for the printing of this product will be available free on the internet. Photo: Defense Distributed
Liberator, the printed gun fires is currently designed to fire a single .308 cartridge. It is produced by printing it into a net shape from ABS thermoplastic material. The files for the printing of this product will be available free on the internet. Photo: Defense Distributed
Defense Distributed founder Cody Wilson says he wants to “produce and publish a file for a completely printable gun – or as near to completely printable as actually possible with current technologies.” Many are sharing their excitement – one day after releasing their dramatic test video “The Liberator” was aired it logged over 800,000 views on Youtube. During the hour it took us to write this post the number passed one million.
The weapon demonstrated in this video is simple. The largest pieces are the pistol grip and receiver device, seen surrounded by a number of smaller internal components, including the hammer’s springs. The test firing included a single .380 caliber bullet. Cody Wilson told Wired Danger Room he plans to release barrels capable of firing nine-millimeter and .22 caliber bullets. “I think a barrel like this can do five to six rounds,” Wilson said. “It’s very important you get a central strike on the primer cap, or you’ll get a misfire. We had a number of misfires in .380.” Though Wilson is critical of his gun — he calls it overbuilt, and too big, but says it’s easy to fire. There’s no safety. At one point during testing in recent weeks, one of the barrels exploded. But the design does work, he said.
There are questions about the legality of such guns, printed or not. On Sunday Senator Charles Schumer of New York call for the banning of 3-D printed handguns, because they are made of plastics which are not detectable by metal detectors. The only metal part in Wilson’s gun is the firing pin, too small to be detected by metal detectors.
The senator also proposed updating the Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988 — which bans guns that can defeat airport security metal detectors — to include printable gun magazines. Defense Distributed has a federal firearms manufacturers license, which Wilson sought after being questioned by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms in 2012. That was shortly after a 3-D printer Wilson had rented was seized by its manufacturer over worries he’d violate the Undetectable Firearms Act. The law, which is set to expire this year, exempts licensed manufacturers to produce plastic guns for use as a models and prototypes.
In few months the 3D printed weapon has become a battleground between weapons supporters and opponents in the US. Provided candidate files and prototypes can make it through testing, the next phase of this goal requires adaptation of the design down to some of the most commonly available of 3D printers. Defense Distributed has chosen the RepRap printer to be this platform, but the manufacturer is not keen about their product becoming a platform for anarchist weapon buffs.
“We hope the result will be an easily accessible and replicable design shared with the world. From such a point, any person has near-instant access to a firearm through the internet.” Wilson wrote. He doesn’t claim his new weapon is ready for use. In fact, each video shows various failures in firing. But Wilson is concerned that the safety issue will be used against his WikiWep initiative. “We want to minimize negative media about the safety concerns of untested firearms and the inevitable suggestion that government agencies are necessary protect us from ourselves.
“This project might change the way we think about gun control and consumption.” Wilson posted on his blog, “How do governments behave if they must one day operate on the assumption that any and every citizen has near instant access to a firearm through the Internet? Let’s find out.”
Source: Defense-Update


Bandung • Inilah penampakan panser Komodo varian khusus milik Komando Pasukan Khusus alias Kopassus. Seperti kita ketahui, Kopassus memesan sebanyak 2 unit varian khusus, yang nantinya akan dioperasikan oleh satuan penanggulangan teror, SAT-81 Gultor.

Dari informasi yang ARC dapatkan, varian ini memiliki sejumlah perlengkapan. Secara fisik, tampak bagian bemper diperkuat, sehingga mampu mendobrak beton. Terlihat juga tangga lipat pada bagian atap kendaraan, yang tentunya berfungsi untuk infiltrasi gedung atau pesawat.

Selain itu, Komodo Kopassus juga dilengkapi dengan kamera pendeteksi panas alias thermal camera. Kamera ini sangat berguna untuk mendeteksi pergerakan pasukan atau musuh di area minim cahaya. Ada pula 4 buah CCTV sehingga komandan mampu melihat situasi sekitar tanpa perlu turun dari kendaraan. Lebih lanjut, varian Kopassus juga dilengkapi 3 monitor untuk briefing, GPS, Kursi khusus, serta sabuk 4 titik.

Pindad sendiri telah menyelesaikan Komodo pesanan Brimob. Namun seusai pesanan Kopassus, bukan berarti Pindad bisa berleha-leha. 56 unit Komodo varian pembawa rudal Mistral pesanan Arhanud sudah menanti. Dan menurut informasi yang ARC dapatkan, proses pembuatannya pun sudah dimulai.

Disisi lain, Pindad juga harus segera bersiap diri. Pasalnya, dengan ditandatanganinya kontrak pengadaan meriam Caesar di Paris, Prancis, pada Selasa kemarin, Pindad harus siap dengan transfer teknologinya. Pindad sendiri nantinya akan membuat platform bagi kendaraan komando, komunikasi, radar dan meteo bagi meriam Caesar. Sebanyak 8 unit platform harus disiapkan Pindad. Komodo sendiri dibangun dengan sejumlah varian. Diantaranya varian V1 atau varian Intai, V2 varian APC, V3 varian Komando, V4 varian angkut rudal, V5 untuk varian khusus.

Storm Shadow – ushering in a new era of British procurement ideology

Storm Shadow – the RAF's conventionally armed stand-off missile (CASOM) has been lauded as a consummate example of collaborative procurement. But is it proof that multinational co-operation on arms procurement can weather the shortages hewn by dwindling budgets? Dr Gareth Evans reports on the chequered history of collaborative defence procurement.

Storm Shadow
With defence budgets slashed, the drive to maximise the capability that dwindling resources can buy has inevitably grown. It is hardly a new problem; military procurement has always been plagued by the need to meet existing and projected operational requirements, as well as anticipate the inherently un-anticipatable demands of an unknown future, while simultaneously trying to adhere to time and cost constraints. Today, however, the pressure is increasing like never before.
Balancing those demands in the current financial climate calls for a radical rethink of approach, and as Britain, in common with other nations, embraces ever-closer multinational integration at strategic and operational levels, greater collaborative procurement emerges as one obvious potential solution.
While freely acknowledging the chequered history of that approach, at February's Institute of Strategic Studies conference on international cooperation and reform in defence acquisition, UK Chief of Defence Materiel, Bernard Gray, also alluded to some of the notable successes it can bring. Topping his list was Storm Shadow - the RAF's conventionally armed stand-off missile (CASOM).

Storm Shadow

"With defence budgets slashed, the drive to maximise the capability that dwindling resources can buy has inevitably grown."
A fire-and-forget, air-launched cruise missile, with a range in excess of 250km, and able to navigate autonomously using GPS and digital terrain profile matching to attack a range of high value static targets, Storm Shadow gives the UK one of the most advanced weapons of its kind in the world. Take away the names, however, and strip out some nation-specific features, and Britain's Storm Shadow and the French SCALP truly are brothers under the skin - forged in a unique bi-lateral cooperation to agree a joint requirement for both nations, and then task a supplier with meeting it.
Matra BAe Dynamics - then a joint BAe / Lagardere company, and now part of MBDA - developed Storm Shadow / SCALP, with separate subsidiaries in each country acting as the prime contractors on their respective national version.
It was an arrangement that had novel commercial dimensions as well as procurement benefits, and Gray spoke of the "collective trust" between all parties that made it possible - but he also urged the examination of one very important issue. "Consider why this approach has not been successfully replicated more often. It is, after all, over ten years since Storm Shadow was ordered."

Cooperative procurement

As Britain's MoD engages in a programme of wide-ranging transformation, and Nato 'smart defence' policy - prioritising the Alliance's needs, encouraging member specialisation and seeking multinational solutions to shared problems - takes hold, it seems a particularly relevant question.
"International cooperation will remain an important component of the British and European procurement."
Dr Henrik Heidenkamp, defence, industries and society research fellow at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) explains that the defence white paper of February last year postulates a preference for bi-lateral co-operation, and significant scepticism of multinational collaborative procurement projects consisting of more than two or three stakeholders. He says that many European countries, including France and Germany, are similarly sceptical, but suggests that the problems experienced with such projects in the past were not due to their multipartner aspect alone.
"Apart from the rhetoric of some politicians, at the practitioners' level its seems to be acknowledged that a significant share of the cost and time delays as well as the lower-than-planned requirement-match must not be attributed to the multinational character of the procurement but to the little understood and / or accepted technological risk inherent in complex projects, as well as to inefficient acquisition structures and processes."
He believes that international cooperation will remain an important component of the British and European procurement, especially for large, technologically complex, big-ticket projects - such as a next-generation main battle tank - which cannot sensibly be realised by a single state. "In short, when the UK Government faces the decision how to conduct a large defence acquisition project, the pressure will be high to seriously consider both the bi-lateral and multinational procurement choice, with the former potentially turning into the latter as the projects advance."

Implications for industry

"There is understandable political reluctance to abandon entrenched nationalistic thinking and surrender sovereign capabilities."
There is also the question of how new approaches to materiel acquisition will affect the British defence industry. In their submission to the recent UK Select Committee on Defence manufacturing, Dr Robert Dover and Professor Mark Phythian (Universities of Loughborough and Leicester respectively) wrote: "The February White Paper broke the historic link between UK defence procurement and UK based defence manufacturing. This is a serious blow to those manufacturers without a well-developed presence in third country markets."
Heidenkamp broadly echoes this, pointing to the need for government to provide sensible and timely answers to highly complex, fundamental questions as part of a coherent defence industrial policy framework. Can, he asks, any country in the modern world be recognised as a leading military power, capable of independent action, without having a sizeable and capable defence industry within its borders, and what is the optimum degree - and maximum limit - of private sector reliance for that military capability? He says it is also important to consider if, and to what extent, the companies involved should be state-controlled, or owned, and decide how feasible it is to run an open competitive tendering process and then hope that a partnering relationship can be built with the successful bidder.
There is the danger too that the outcome of a competitive tendering process may see one or more of the losers exit the sector. Governments must calculate the likely effects of competition on market structure, and should be focussing more attention on how effective procurement can occur without competition being used, he says.

Shifting ideology

One of the key features of the Storm Shadow / SCALP programme was how the two subsidiaries were able to take two largely similar, though non-identical, requirements and merge them into one common, technical solution. It has clear benefits for subcontractors, who then work to a single joint specification, but it also helps cut down many of the typical high government overheads of national collaborative projects.
In the current climate of austerity, the attraction of that remains every bit as strong as in those pre-recessionary days of the early 2000s, when these missiles first entered service. Nevertheless, there is understandable political reluctance to abandon entrenched nationalistic thinking and surrender sovereign capabilities to the extent that such projects demand.
In his address to February's seminar, Bernard Gray defined the success of Storm Shadow and other collaborations in terms of "delivering - eventually - important and versatile capability". With the rise of Smart Defence, and the growing priority given to effective regional security, rather than reliance on individual national capabilities, ultimately they may also deliver an equally important shift in procurement ideology too - but these changes, clearly, take time.

Terlalu Silau, Lampu Mobil Ini Bisa Bikin Kebutaan


Washington - Toyota menyatakan lebih dari 11 ribu unit Toyota FJ Cruiser memiliki lampu terlalu kuat dan dapat menyebabkan kebutaan sementara.

Lampu dari belasan ribu unit mobil itu disebut tidak sesuai dengan standar keselamatan yang seharusnya tidak mengganggu penglihatan pengemudi lain di malam hari. Untuk itu Toyota melakukanrecall pada belasan ribu unit mobil tersebut.

"Lampu ini memiliki bohlam 55 watt dan karena besar watt-nya tersebut, kombinasi dari lampu depan atas dan sinar lampuauxiliary terlalu terang dan melebihi outputcahaya maksimum yang diperbolehkan untuk lampu depan mobil," ujar pihak National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) seperti dikutip Jalopnik.

"Terlalu terangnya lampu dapat menyebabkan kebutaan sementara dan meningkatkan risiko kecelakaan," sambung mereka.

Pemilik belasan ribu Toyota FJ Cruiser atau dalam versi klasiknya dikenal di Indonesia dengan nama Toyota Hardtop ini, nantinya bakal menerima bohlam lampu 35 watt di lampu depan mobilnya sebagai pengganti dari bohlam 55 wat

KRI Fatahillah (361)

KRI Fatahillah (361). PROKIMAL ONLINE Kotabumi Lampung Utara
KRI Fatahillah (361)
KRI Fatahillah (361) merupakan kapal pertama dari kapal perang jenis Perusak Kawal Berpeluru Kendali kelas Fatahillah milik TNI AL. Dinamai menurut Fatahillah, salah seorang Pahlawan Nasional yang berjasa merebut Sunda Kelapa dari tangan Portugis dan menamainya Jayakarta. Tanggal kemenangan tersebut saat ini menjadi tanggal lahir kota Jakarta. KRI Fatahillah merupakan sebuah fregat yang dibuat oleh galangan kapal Wilton-Fijenoord, Schiedam, Belanda pada tahun 1979 khusus untuk TNI-AL. Bertugas sebagai armada pemukul dengan kemampuan anti kapal permukaan, anti kapal selam dan anti serangan udara.

Termasuk dalam kelas Fatahillah antara lain KRI Malahayati (362) dan KRI Nala (363).

Data Teknis
KRI Fatahillah (361) memiliki berat 1450 ton dan berdimensi 83,85 meter x 11,10 meter x 3,30 meter. Dua mesin diesel jelajah bertenaga 8.000 bhp dengan kecepatan jelajah 21 knot dan 1 boost gas turbine dengan 22.360 shp yang sanggup mendorong hingga kecepatan 30 knot melengkapi kapal berawak maksimal 82 pelaut ini.

KRI Fatahillah (361) dipersenjatai dengan berbagai jenis persenjataan modern untuk mengawal wilayah kedaulatan Republik Indonesia. Termasuk diantaranya adalah :

  • 4 peluru kendali permukaan-ke-permukaan Aerospatiale MM-38 Exocet dengan jangkauan maksimum 42 Km, berkecepatan 0,9 mach, berpemandu active radar homing dengan hulu ledak seberat 165 Kg.
  • 1 meriam Bofors 120/62 berkaliber 120mm (4.7 inchi) dengan kecepatan tembakan 80 rpm, jangkauan 18.5 Km dengan sistem pemandu tembkan Signaal WM28.
  • 2 kanon Penangkis Serangan Udara Rheinmetall kaliber 20mm dengan kecepatan tembakan 1000 rpm, jangkauan 2 KM untuk target udara.
  • 12 torpedo Honeywell Mk. 46, berpeluncur tabung Mk. 32 (324mm, 3 tabung) dengan jangkauan 11 Km kecepatan 40 knot dan hulu ledak 44 kg. Berkemampuan anti kapal selam dan kapal permukaan.
  • Mortir anti kapal selam Bofors ASR 375mm laras ganda.
Sensor dan Elektronis
KRI Fatahillah (361) diperlengkapi radar Racal Decca AC 1229 untuk surface search dan Signaal DA 05 untuk air and surface search. Serta pemandu tembakan Signaal WM 28. Sistem sonarnya menngunakan Signaal PHS 32 (Hull Mounted). Sistem pengecoh menggunakan 2 Knebworth Corvus 8-tubed launchers dan 1 T-Mk 6 torpedo decoy.


  • Bersama KRI Cut Nyak Dien, KRI Karel Satsuit Tubun, KRI Sultan Thaha Syaifuddin,KRI Teuku Umar (385), KRI Silas Papare (386) dan KRI Badik (623), KRI Fatahillah (361) melakukan operasi Sekat 01/2004 yang merupakan operasi pengamanan selat Malaka. Operasi ini dimaksudkan mengamankan Selat Malaka dari penyelundupan senjata dan perompakan.
  • Tanggal 8 sampai 2 Mei 2004 KRI Fatahillah mengikuti Latihan Operasi Laut Gabungan (Latopslagab) XV/04 di Samudera Hindia, sebelah selatan Alur Laut Kepulauan Indonesia (ALKI) dengan area latihan meliputi Laut Jawa dan Selat Sunda. Dalam Latihan ini KRI Fatahillah menembakkan sebuah peluru kendali MM-38 Exocet ke eks KRI Rakata, sebuah kapal tunda samudera buatan 1942 hingga tenggelam.
  • Pada tanggal 15-28 Agustus 2002 dalam latihan Dalla-2002, KRI Fatahillah menembakkan rudal MM-38 Exocet yang seharusnya sudh kadaluwarsa, namun berhasil diretrofit oleh teknisi TNI-AL.
  • KRI Fatahillah terlibat dalam latihan gabungan TNI AL-US Navy, CARAT-8/02 yang diadakan pada 27 Mei - 3 Juni 2002. CARAT (Coorperation Afloat Readiness and Training) adalah bantuan latihan militer Amerika terhadap militer negara sahabat di Asia Tenggara. Latihan CARAT ini berlangsung di perairan Laut Jawa, selat Bali dan Situbondo.
  • KRI Fatahillah (361) juga ikut mencari puing-puing pesawat Adam Air Penerbangan 574 yang hilang pada 1 Januari 2007. 

Friday, May 10, 2013

7 Drone Fighter Milik Uni Emirat Arab

7 Drone Fighter Produksi Industri Militer Uni Emirat Arab

1.YABHON-R is a Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) UAV, designed and manufactured by ADCOM Systems for tactical missions including real time day and night reconnaissance and surveillance, search and rescue, border surveillance, remote area monitoring and other similar missions.
YABHON-R is designed for short take off and landing using a semi-prepared short runway. It can land on wheels or by emergency parachute system.

2.YABHON-R2 is a Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) UAV, designed and manufactured by ADCOM Systems for tactical missions including real time day and night reconnaissance and surveillance, search and rescue, border surveillance, remote area monitoring and other similar missions.
YABHON-R2 is designed for short take off and landing using a semi-prepared short runway. It can land on wheels or by emergency parachute system.

3.YABHON-RX is a tactical UAV used for day and night surveillance, search and rescue, border control, environmental monitoring and related unmanned missions.The airframe consists of a mid wing configuration with pod fuselage, single pusher engine, twin boom tail unit and fully retractable landing gear.
The airframe is made mainly as a sandwich of high density structural foam between glass fiber/epoxy skins. Airframe modules can be assembled easily in the field.
YABHON-RX is intended to be operated from a launcher and designed for fully automatic take-off and landing. An emergency parachute system provides full safety if power or command link failed.

4.YABHON-H is a high performance, efficient canard UAV. YABHON-H uses the very latest aerodynamic technology, high
aspect-ratio double delta wing with laminar airfoils optimized for efficient cruise.
YABHON-H UAV has responsive ailerons, good turbulence resistance, excellent "hands off" stability anddocile stall. Those features make its flying qualities superior.
Climb is excellent even at a high angle of attack. Due to the small dimensions, it can be used as tactical UAV,
launched from shipboard or land with a small conventional launcher system and recovered by parachute.

5.SMART EYE is a Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) UAV, designed and manufactured by ADCOM Systems for strategic missions including:
• Near real time (NRT) combat assessment
• Battle damage assessment (BDA)
• Intelligence preparation of the battlefield
• Special operations, reconnaissance operations and humanitarian aid
• Border surveillance and communications relay
The ultra-long endurance of the SMART EYE comes from its glider-like, high aspect ratio wings. It can carry two gimbaled camera platforms.

6.SMART EYE 1 is a high performance UAV optimized for efficient cruise with high aspect-ratio wings and laminar airfoils.
The flying qualities are superb; it is very stable, good turbulence resistance and docile stall.
Climb is excellent, even at a high angle of attack.
Due to the small dimension it can be used as tactical UAV."

7.UNITED 40 is a Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) UAV, designed and manufactured by ADCOM Systems for strategic missions including:
Near real time (NRT) combat assessment
• Battle damage assessment (BDA)
• Intelligence preparation of the battlefield
• Special operations, reconnaissance operations and humanitarian aid
• Border surveillance and communications relay.
The ultra-long endurance of the UNITED 40 comes from its glider-like, high aspect ratio wings. It can carry a gimbaled camera platforms.

Arrested Landing Completes X-47B Unmanned UCAS-D Preparations For Carrier Tests

“Landing an unmanned aircraft on an aircraft carrier will be the greatest singular accomplishment for the UCAS demonstration and will serve as the culmination of over a decade of Navy unmanned carrier integration work”, said Capt. Jaime Engdahl, Navy UCAS program manager. Photo: US Navy
“Landing an unmanned aircraft on an aircraft carrier will be the greatest singular accomplishment for the UCAS demonstration and will serve as the culmination of over a decade of Navy unmanned carrier integration work”, said Capt. Jaime Engdahl, Navy UCAS program manager. Photo: US Navy

The U.S. Navy’s X-47B Unmanned Combat Air System (UCAS) demonstrator performed its first arrested landing at Patuxent River, Naval Air Station in Maryland, on May 4. The landing using arresting gear was a key step in maturing the system for its upcoming carrier-based tests later this month. The X-47B is scheduled to begin sea-based carrier flight testing on the USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77). These tests will include launching from the carrier deck via catapult and, potentially completing landings aboard. Defense-Update reports.
“Landing an unmanned aircraft on an aircraft carrier will be the greatest singular accomplishment for the UCAS demonstration and will serve as the culmination of over a decade of Navy unmanned carrier integration work”, said Capt. Jaime Engdahl, Navy UCAS program manager. “Shore based arrested landing testing here at NAS Patuxent River is our final check that the X-47B can meet that objective.”
During Saturday’s test, the X-47B used a tailhook on the aircraft to catch a carrier representative cable, known as the MK-7 arresting gear, to quickly stop the aircraft. This is known as an arrested landing, the type of recovery required aboard aircraft carriers. The MK-7 arresting gear is an underground installation of actual carrier equipment that accommodates structural tests and aircraft/arresting gear compatibility studies with all models of U.S. Navy carrier aircraft.
“Shore-based testing allows our combined Navy/Northrop Grumman team to control test conditions before taking the aircraft to the ship,” said Matt Funk, Navy UCAS test team lead. “We are gradually building up to the maximum load conditions we expect to see during an arrested landing aboard an aircraft carrier.”
“The entire system has performed very well across a large set of shore-based testing events including aircraft performance, flying qualities, navigation performance, catapult launches, and precision landings designed to stress system operation,” Engdahl said. “Our final carrier-landing software simulation shows excellent performance, flight test results are very good, and we are confident the X-47B will perform well on the ship.”
The X-47B is a tailless, autonomous aircraft designed with unique features for an unmanned aircraft, such as carrier suitable landing gear and structure.While the X-47B itself will not be used for operational use, the UCAS-D program is developing a concept of operations and demonstrating technologies for use in follow-on unmanned carrier based aircraft programs.
“This actual demonstration of the X-47B unmanned carrier operations is a first, essential step toward developing a carrier-based unmanned system for the U.S. Navy,” said Rear Adm. Mat Winter, who leads the Program Executive Office for Unmanned Aviation and Strike Weapons. “A carrier-based unmanned aircraft will increase carrier strike group relevance, provide opportunities for training and readiness cost avoidance and enable our future forward deployed carrier air wings to provide continuous intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capability.”
Source: Defense-Update
“Shore-based testing allows our combined Navy/Northrop Grumman team to control test conditions before taking the aircraft to the ship,” said Matt Funk, Navy UCAS test team lead. “We are gradually building up to the maximum load conditions we expect to see during an arrested landing aboard an aircraft carrier.” Photo: US Navy

M51 Nuclear Missile Fails on a Test Launch from a Newly Upgraded Submarine

The first sea launch of the M51 SLBM. The missile is produced by EADS' Astrium division for the French Navy Strategic Force. Photo: EADS

The first sea launch of the M45 SLBM. The missile has been operational with the French Navy Strategic Force since 1997. Photo: EADS

A French M51 submarine launched nuclear ballistic missile malfunctioned during a test launch Sunday, and had to be destroyed while in flight, the Ministry of Defense said. It was the 6th flight test of the latest strategic ballistic missile. For the test flight the missile’s nuclear warhead was removed. An investigation was immediately launched into the cause of the aborted test of the M51 missile over Normandy. Defense-Update reports.
Military officials told reporters the problem occurred in the first phase of the missile’s ascent and triggered a self-destruct order. The exact nature of the malfunction was not immediately known, Radio France Internationale said. According to the French MOD, the missile was launched form a test site at the baie d’Audierne (Finistère) and crashed into an area that had been cleared of civilian air and maritime traffic. The missile would have landed in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean if its flight had been successful.
France operates four SSBNs in its strategic Oceanic force. Each of these submarines is carrying 16 M51 missiles. The M51 is a strategic ballistic missile is carried by four French Navy nuclear powered missile submarines. The missile was launched from the French Navy nuclear powered ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) Le Vigilant S618; the ‘Triumphant class submarine has a length of 138 meter long and a submerged displacement of 14,200 tonnes. It is powered by a nuclear driven turbo-reactor developing 30mW of power. Each submarine is manned by two crews of 100 personnel. In addition to the ballistic, nuclear armed missiles, the submarine is also equipped with four 533 mm torpedo tubes firing Exocet anti-ship missiles or F17 torpedoes.
Working on the behalf of the French defence procurement agency DGA (French Ministry of Defence procurement agency), since the 1960's, the company has produced the submarine-launched MSBS family (M1, M2, M20, M4) of the French deterrent force. The latest version, the M-45, is currently deployed on board France's new generation submarines. The MSBS-M51, an ultra-modern missile with considerably enhanced performance, has been under development since 1992. Photo: EADS
EADS Astrium has been producing the MSBS family (M1, M2, M20, M4) for the French deterrent force since the 1960s. The MSBS-M51, an ultra-modern missile with considerably enhanced performance, has been under development since 1992. Photo: EADS

The French deterrent force

The M51 missiles were loaded on the submarine during the two-year upgrade that was completed in October 2012. Through the overhaul process the submarine’s combat information system was also upgraded, and a new navigation system added. Following the refit the submarine entered a testing phase which also included test firing of the missiles.The M51 is replacing the M45 currently in service. At a weight of 54 tonnes, the new missile is 40% heavier than its predecessor. One meter longer than the M45, the M51 has a larger diameter which corresponds to more powerful and energetic propulsion. The three stages carry the missile over a distance of 6,000 km. The first variant, M51.1 was fitted to the first SSBM Le Terrible in 2010. This model uses the same warhead as the previous SRBM – the M45. The M51.2 has a larger warhead, extended range and highly accurate stellar tracking navigation, augmenting the standard inertial navigation system. It is also designed with better penetration capability.
Working on the behalf of the French defence procurement agency DGA (French Ministry of Defence procurement agency), since the 1960′s, the company has produced the submarine-launched MSBS family (M1, M2, M20, M4) of the French deterrent force. The latest version, the M-45, is currently deployed on board France’s new generation submarines. The MSBS-M51, an ultra-modern missile with considerably enhanced performance, has been under development since 1992.
Source: Defense-Update
Vigilant is a  Triumphant class nuclear powered ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) built by DCSN the submarine was commissioned in 2004. Photo: DCSN
Vigilant is a Triumphant class nuclear powered ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) built by DCSN the submarine was commissioned in 2004. Photo: DCSN

Israel serang pusat riset Damaskus

PM Israel, Benyamin Netanyahu (tengah), berjalan bersama Mayor Jenderal AU, Ido Nehushtan (kelima kanan), dan Menteri Pertahanan, Ehud Barak (kelima kiri), dalam kunjungan di unit Iron Dome, kota pesisir Ashkelon, wilayah utara Jalur Gaza, Minggu (10/4). Israel mengatakan Iron Dome Interceptor baru mereka sukses melindungi dua kota utama dari roket Palestina yang ditembakkan dari Gaza dalam beberapa hari dan beberapa negara telah menunjukkan ketertarikan. (REUTERS/Amir Cohen)
 ... Israel tegas mengonfirmasikan pihaknya melancarkan serangan udara ke Suriah... "
Nikosia (itmiliter) - Israel melancarkan satu serangan roket ke pusat riset sains Jamraya, di Damaskus, Sabtu malam, kata kantor berita Suriah SANA, Minggu. Tidak mengatakan apakah ada korban tewas atau cedera.

Televisi Suriah memberitakan serangan Israel itu bertujuan melemahkan pengepungan terhadap teroris di daerah Ghouta timur dekat Damaskus.

Jika berita itu dikonfirmasikan, serangan itu adalah yang kedua dilakukan Israel terhadap Suriah pekan ini.

Laporan-laporan media Amerika Serikat mengatakan Israel menargetkan satu pengiriman senjata kepada kelompok garis keras Hizbullah di Lebanon, Kamis malam sampai Jumat, tetapi negara Yahudi itu menolak mmengonfirmasikan atau membantah laporan itu.

Satu sumber diplomatik di Lebanon mengemukakan kepada AFP operasi itu menghancurkan rudal-rudal darat ke udara yang belum lama ini dikirim Rusia dan disimpan di bandara Damaskus.

Israel tegas mengonfirmasikan pihaknya melancarkan serangan udara ke Suriah Januari lalu saat Presiden Suriah, Bashar al-Assad, menuduh negara Yahudi itu berusaha mengacaukan lebih jauh negara yang porak poranda akibat perang itu.

Serangan udara itu ditargetkan pada rudal-rudal darat ke udara dan satu kompleks militer terdekat yang menyimpan zat-zat kimia, kata seorang pejabat Amerika Serikat,  saat itu.

Damaskus mengancam akan membalas serangan itu, yang semakin menimbulkan kecemasan bagi meluasya perang saudara di Suriah yang menurut PBB telah menewaskan setidaknya 70.000 orang sejak meletus Maret 2011.

sumber : antara

Misi Berawak ke Mars Sangat Memungkinkan


Washington - Para ilmuwan mengatakan bahwa misi berawak ke planet Mars ke depannya adalah sangat memungkinkan. Benarkah?
Seperti yang dikutip dari NDTV, para ahli di NASA dan sektor swasta lainnya kini sepakat bahwa pria atau wanita ke depan dapat dikirim ke Mars, untuk kurun waktu 20 tahun lagi.
Beberapa figur yang terkenal di dunia eksplorasi angkasa termasuk Buzz Aldrin, orang kedua yang berjalan di Bulan, akan mendiskusikan proyek terbaru itu dalam konferensi tiga hari di Washington.
Minat akan Planet Merah kini kembali naik, hingga memunculkan beberapa proyek inisiatif baru.
Masyarakat kini juga menanti misi dengan astronot manusia untuk dikirimkan ke Mars. 
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