Saturday, May 24, 2014

AASAM 2014, TNI AD Jagonya

 Indonesian sniper team Private M. Mulyana and 2nd Sergeant M. Mansur shoot at Robotic Smart Targets from Marathon Targets during Match 203 for Sniper Panoramic. The match is fired from any supported position at stationary and moving targets between 150 and 1000m. Robotic Smart Targets from Marathon Targets were used for the first time at this year's Australian Army Skill at Arms Meeting (AASAM).
Indonesian sniper team Private M. Mulyana and 2nd Sergeant M. Mansur shoot at Robotic Smart Targets from Marathon Targets during Match 203 for Sniper Panoramic. The match is fired from any supported position at stationary and moving targets between 150 and 1000m. Robotic Smart Targets from Marathon Targets were used for the first time at this year’s Australian Army Skill at Arms Meeting (AASAM).
Tim petembak TNI AD kembali mengukir prestasi membanggakan sebagai juara umum pada kejuaraan menembak tingkat internasional, Australian Army Skill at Arms Meeting (AASAM) 2014, dengan perolehan medali 32 emas, 15 medali perak dan 20 medali perunggu, di Australia pada tanggal 5 hingga 16 Mei 2014.
Sedangkan urutan ke 2 ditempati tim petembak tuan rumah Australia dengan perolehan medali 6 emas, 15 perak dan 20 perunggu. Adapun diurutan ketiga ditempatkan tim petembak dari tentara Brunai Darusallam dengan perolehan medali 5 emas, 4 perak dan 1 Perunggu.
 Team Shot: the shooters from Brunei are tough competition every year. All the best for 2014!

Team Shot: the shooters from Brunei are tough competition every year. All the best for 2014!
 Team Shot: the Royal Australian Air Force 23 Squadron firers have been impressing on the range this year. Good luck RAAFies!

Team Shot: the Royal Australian Air Force 23 Squadron firers have been impressing on the range this year. Good luck RAAFies!
 Scores: MATCH 47: LSW Individual Aggregate, International

Scores: MATCH 47: LSW Individual Aggregate, International
Gelar sebagai juara umum yang diraih TNI AD ini merupakan yang ke 7 kalinya diperoleh secara berturut-turut dari tahun 2008 hingga 2014. Pada pelaksanaan tahun 2014 kali ini diikuti oleh 16 tim petembak dari tentara Negara di kawasan Asia Pasifik yaitu Indonesia, Australia, Amerika Serikat, Inggris, Perancis, Jepang, Fhilipina, Thailand, Timor Leste, Papua Nugini, Singapura, Brunai Darussalam, New Zealand, New Caledonia, Papua Nugini dan Tonga.
Philippines Army Shooting Team member Technical Sergeant Eric B. Guiniling, at the Mechanical Target Range (MTR), fires his 5.56mm M16 A2 assault rifle in the prone unsupported position with sling during Match 12. Match 12 is an advanced application of fire where firers engage their targets at ranges from 100m to 300m from all conventional positions both supported and unsupported.
Team Shot: British Army soldiers from the 2nd Battalion, Royal Gurkha Rifles, (l-r) Rifleman Deepak Gurung, Lance Corporal Suye Gurung, LCPL Bal Bakadur Gurung, Signaller Pardeep Gurung and Rifleman Niran Rai. Hope you've enjoyed the competition!
Team Shot: British Army soldiers from the 2nd Battalion, Royal Gurkha Rifles, (l-r) Rifleman Deepak Gurung, Lance Corporal Suye Gurung, LCPL Bal Bakadur Gurung, Signaller Pardeep Gurung and Rifleman Niran Rai. Hope you’ve enjoyed the competition!
Singapore's Corporal Muhamad Firdalis Bin Tarmid fires his SAR 21 in the keeling unsupported position at the 100m mound during Match Four. Match Four is designed for individuals to supply basic application of fire at 100m employing snap fire with position changes after a 100m run. The run is to induce a level of stress and fatigue on the competitors.
Singapore’s Corporal Muhamad Firdalis Bin Tarmid fires his SAR 21 in the keeling unsupported position at the 100m mound during Match Four. Match Four is designed for individuals to supply basic application of fire at 100m employing snap fire with position changes after a 100m run. The run is to induce a level of stress and fatigue on the competitors.
1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment, sniper team Corporal (CPL) Brodie Keating and Private (PTE) Luke Barnes win the 'Matty Lambert Memorial Trophy' for best ADF Sniper Pair at AASAM 2014. The pair also came third in the overall standings.
1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment, sniper team Corporal (CPL) Brodie Keating and Private (PTE) Luke Barnes win the ‘Matty Lambert Memorial Trophy’ for best ADF Sniper Pair at AASAM 2014. The pair also came third in the overall standings.
Kasad Jenderal TNI Budiman dalam acara menerima laporan kembali tim petembak bertempat di Mabesad, Kamis (22/5), menyampaikan ucapan selamat datang di tanah air dan ucapan terima kasih atas prestasi membanggakan, yang telah dipersembahkan kepada TNI Angkatan Darat, bangsa dan Negara.
Menurut Kasad, keberhasilan ini membuktikan kepada Angkatan Darat negara sahabat, bahwa TNI Angkatan Darat senantiasa membangun diri menjadi tentara modern yang profesional, tentara yang hanya fokus pada tugas pokoknya sebagai alat pertahanan yang tangguh dan patut dibanggakan rakyatnya.
Indonesian Army Shooting Team member Private Yudha Hany Cahyadin keeps occupied as he wait for his turn to shoot at this year's Australian Army Skill at Arms Meeting (AASAM).
Indonesian Army Shooting Team member Private Yudha Hany Cahyadin keeps occupied as he wait for his turn to shoot at this year’s Australian Army Skill at Arms Meeting (AASAM).
Indonesian Army Shooting Team member Private Yudha Hany Cahyadin at this year's Australian Army Skill at Arms Meeting (AASAM).
Indonesian Army Shooting Team member Private Yudha Hany Cahyadin at this year’s Australian Army Skill at Arms Meeting (AASAM).
Indonesian Army Shooting Team member Lance Corporal (LCPL) Mansur keep his team occupied with a bit of ball skills, as they wait for their detail to shoot at this year's Australian Army Skill at Arms Meeting (AASAM).
Indonesian Army Shooting Team member Lance Corporal (LCPL) Mansur keep his team occupied with a bit of ball skills, as they wait for their detail to shoot at this year’s Australian Army Skill at Arms Meeting (AASAM).
 l-r. US Army's sniper team Sergeant Jason Fairchild and Staff Sergeant Mitchell Shaw, competing in Match 201, the Sniper Snap. The match tests the sniper team in rapid target acquisition. Targets appear from 200 to 1,000m. The match is only one of seven matches over five days of competition for the best international sniper team which is part of this year's Australian Army Skill at Arms Meeting

l-r. US Army’s sniper team Sergeant Jason Fairchild and Staff Sergeant Mitchell Shaw, competing in Match 201, the Sniper Snap. The match tests the sniper team in rapid target acquisition. Targets appear from 200 to 1,000m. The match is only one of seven matches over five days of competition for the best international sniper team which is part of this year’s Australian Army Skill at Arms Meeting
Lomba tembak Australian Army Skill at Arms Meeting (AASAM) merupakan ajang lomba tembak tahunan yang diselenggarakan oleh Angkatan Darat Australia sejak tahun 1984 dan untuk pertama kalinya dibuka untuk kontingen petembak Internasional pada tahun 1988.
 The Japanese Cheer Squad - these competitors had a day off from shooting today so showed their support to their team members during the machine gun pairs match. ???????

The Japanese Cheer Squad – these competitors had a day off from shooting today so showed their support to their team members during the machine gun pairs match. ???????
 Team Shot: The Chinese shooting team have proven tough competition in their first year competing at AASAM! ???? (Good luck)!

Team Shot: The Chinese shooting team have proven tough competition in their first year competing at AASAM! ???? (Good luck)!
 Team Shot: the British Army Shooting Team at AASAM. Thanks for the brilliant bagpipe display from Pte Fraser Hall - awesome stuff! Photo by Sergeant Brian Hartigan

Team Shot: the British Army Shooting Team at AASAM. Thanks for the brilliant bagpipe display from Pte Fraser Hall – awesome stuff!
Photo by Sergeant Brian Hartigan
 Portrait: Private Melissa Elias, 8th Signals Regiment. Photo by Sergeant Brian Hartigan

Portrait: Private Melissa Elias, 8th Signals Regiment. Photo by Sergeant Brian Hartigan
Adapun materi yang diperlombakan adalah materi perorangan maupun tim pada nomor senapan, pistol, senapan otomatis (SO) dan gabungan senapan dan SO. Senjata yang digunakan prajurit TNI AD pada kejuaraan AASAM adalah produk dalam negeri yaitu produk PT Pindad (Persero) antara lain senapan serbu SS2-HB (Heavy Barrel), senapan Mesin SM-2 dan SM-3 serta pistol G2 versi Elite. ( / Facebook Aasam 2014 / Sergeant Brian Hartigan).

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