The RBS 70 NG made its public presence during the Defence & Security Equipment International (DSEi) exhibition in September 2011. The system offers long-term static air defence for strategic assets and can be deployed for event protection in peacetime.
More than 1,600 RBS 70 systems have been acquired by 19 nations across five continents to date.
Design and features of RBS 70 New Generation VSHORAD
The RBS 70 NG system includes a launch container, a tripod and an NG sight. The nozzle and sustainer motor in the midsection and the laser beam riding system at tail make the missile highly invulnerable against jamming. The complete VSHORAD system is operated by one person and requires three personnel for portability.
The modular design of the NG sight allows the users to integrate the RBS 70 NG system into almost all vehicle types, networks and remotely controlled platforms. The modularity and state-of-the-art technology used in the system transforms RBS 70 NG into a scalable and long term solution to meet the ground based air defence (GBAD) requirements.
The RBS 70 NG system comes with a complete training package, including basic operator training and concerted training for the complete air defence unit. The classroom training simulator offers operator drills to enhance operator skills in the fields of target attainment, recognition, target tracking, missile launch and guidance. It ensures the operators to learn about the engagement processes within a few hours.
RBS 70 NG guidance and navigation
"The integrated sighting system includes a thermal imager, built-in automatic target tracker and advanced visual cueing aids."
The integrated sighting system includes a thermal imager, built-in automatic target tracker and advanced visual cueing aids. The integrated high-resolution thermal imager allows for 24/7 capability while advanced cueing improves reaction times and target acquisition.
The auto-tracker with manual override ensures the engagement of target with high hit probability all over the missile range, while graphics-based human machine interface and advanced guidance further enhance the performance during manual and auto-tracker engagements. The system is also equipped with in-built video recording capability for post-mission review.
The common sight module of the RBS 70 NG can be integrated into MANPADS, combat vehicles, and remotely controlled systems. The RBS 70 NG's new-generation sighting system in combination with unjammable laser guidance offers high level of precision strike capability to the users. The system can simultaneously detect multiple targets.
Missiles of the RBS 70 NG very short range air defence system
The highly modular RBS 70 NG air defence system allows the integration of all existing generations of RBS 70
missiles including the latest BOLIDE fourth-generation all-target VSHORAD missile. The system, when integrated with BOLIDE missile, provides complete air defence against all threats ranging from fixed and rotary wing aircraft to small targets such as cruise missiles and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).
The BOLIDE missile has the maximum velocity of Mach 2. Its combined shaped-charge and pre-fragmented warhead can defeat armoured aerial targets including attack helicopters and close air support (CAS) aircraft as well as land-based armoured targets such as armoured personnel carriers (APCs).
"The laser beam-riding missile can engage targets in countermeasures and clutter environments."
The laser beam-riding missile can engage targets in countermeasures and clutter environments. It has a maximum shelf life of over 30 years.
RBS 70 NG performance
The RBS 70 NG system can destroy targets within the maximum distance of 8,000m and altitude of 5,000m. It can be integrated with Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) interrogator to identify friendly targets. The system is deployed within 30 seconds, while reloading for MANPADS requires less than six seconds.
The system has 24/7 all-target capability, can launch missiles in complex areas such as urban terrains, and can be operated in all weather conditions during day and night.

RBS 70 NG is a very short range air defence (VSHORAD) missile system.

The RBS 70 NG VSHORAD system fires a missile during a live fire test.

A close view of the RBS 70 NG VSHORAD sighting system.

A night firing test of the RBS 70 NG VSHORAD system.
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